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Cocktail Todo list abandoned on the paveway

How to plan for personal projects?

Find out how to plan personal projects and increase your odds of succeding! Personal projects and professional projects should be planned differently, because the environment and motivations are different.

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People cleaning a skyscraper's windows hanging from ropes

Do you feel anxiety on your job?

Why do we ask? In the end, oneatatime is a timemanagement system. We are asking because emotions do influence your ability to complete a task.

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Gray keyboard with red escape key

#02 Challenge: can you improve your typing speed?

This is a challenge for helping you improve your typing speed. You will reduce errors, focus more on what you want to write, and be less stressed about typing.

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Analog Voltmeter measuring 400V

#01 Challenge: Perform the Sun Salutation for 5 days

Before starting to think about changing the way you use your time, you should try to have more energy throughout your day. This challenge is meant to be like an energy booster.

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Cat browsing the net for social pictures of cats

#00 Challenge: where does your time go?

Before starting to think about changing the way you use your time, you should assess your current situation. This challenge is meant to be like a mirror.

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Road sign alerting trucks that there are bumps on the road.

Why another time management system?

There are more than 50 time management techniques out there, so why should we need another one?

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